i need to know wich thing is better the ozone o r the uv for a reef i read a lot about the ozone tha t kills pathogens make more clear water besides help with the orp and kills bad bacteria but i want to know if is better the uv or ozone or if is better not use it and let the nature do all the job. i dont have substrate and i have problems with algae since i started my reef 8 or nine months ago and this is the principal reason to use the ozone or uv but iwant to know why it doest dissapiar i try almost everithing water changes more circulation low loevels of everything and it still cover my rocks and the starboard even low the temperature forom 29 to 25 C and the algae continue bother me.
nutrients is the cause or you algae, probably the souce of water you are using to mix the synthetic salt, fish load or overfeeding the fish do you use a protein skimmer? what is the color of the skimmate?uv or ozone is not going to fix your problens if you dont have a good filtration system, invest your money on a ro/di or a good proteine skimmer